Kentucky has Graduated Licensing laws. This improves traffic safety and reduces traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities by controlling young drivers' exposure and progressively moving the driver into more complex driving experiences before full licensure.
- It is up to the parents/guardians to decide when their teen is ready to drive. Drivers under 18 cannot apply for a permit or license without the signature of a parent or guardian accepting responsibility. A parent/guardian can withdraw their responsibility at any time.
- The parent/guardian is jointly liable with the applicant for any damages by signing the application form. The parent/guardian must complete the form at the testing location so that an official can witness the signature and verify guardianship. (Must provide a birth certificate or guardianship papers signed by the judge.)
- Kentucky drivers under 18 must go through three phases of licensing: a Learner's Permit, an Intermediate License, and then a Full Unrestricted License.
- Before a teen driver can advance to the Intermediate License phase, the Parent/Guardian must document and sign the Practice Driving Log and verification form certifying the driver has completed 60 hours of practice driving, 10 of which must occur at night.
Step 1 - Permit Phase
Drivers must be 16 to take the written knowledge and vision tests and apply for a permit. To apply for a permit, you must bring your original birth certificate (or certified copy), social security card, two documents that prove residency, Compliance Verification Form (issued by your school), and parent/guardian (if under 18) to sign the application to the appointment at the Kentucky State Police to take the test. Schedule your test appointment.
Rules and Restrictions
- May only drive with a licensed driver 21 or older in the front passenger seat
- May only have one unrelated person under 20 in the car while driving
- Cannot drive between 12 AM and 6 AM unless it's an emergency or school/work activity
- The driver will not receive credit while suspended for not complying with KRS 159.051 (No Pass, No Drive Law)
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited. All drivers under 21 are subject to the zero tolerance.
Step 2 - Intermediate Phase
You may take the road test and apply for your intermediate license after:
- You've had your permit for 180 days (with no traffic violations)
- Completed your Practice Driving Log (60 hours of driving with 10 of those hours at night) and have it signed by your parent/guardian
- Have a Graduated Driver License Skills Test Eligibility Letter dated within seven days of your test date
A licensed driver 21 or older must accompany you to the testing site. The vehicle you use for the test must be properly registered, and proof of liability insurance is required. If you fail the test, you must wait seven full days before retaking the test. Schedule your test appointment.
Rules and Restrictions
- If you are under 18, you may only have one unrelated person under 20 in the car while driving
- Cannot drive between 12 AM and 6 AM unless it's an emergency or school/work activity
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited. All drivers under 21 are subject to the zero tolerance.
Step 3 - Full Unrestricted License Phase
You may apply for a full unrestricted license after:
- You've had your permit for 180 days (with no traffic violations)
- You've completed a graduated licensing education course.
Acceptable methods of completing the course are as follows:
- Alive at 25 class Enroll in the in-person or virtual class.
- RightLane online class Enroll in the online class.
- At a high school
A parent/guardian must accompany you to your appointment. Schedule your appointment.